Gliwice Luminescence Dating Laboratory

The Sample Information Sheet (SIS) file may be downloaded here. Click on an appropriate icon or link below to start downloading.
Note! The document contains macros and they must be enabled for proper functioning of the document.

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How to enter information into the SIS:
  1. This information sheet is of the ‘read only’ type so after entering all the required information it must be saved under different file name; using the sample name is recommended.
  2. One SIS is required per each sample.
  3. You may enter text to editing fields only.
  4. The ‘Tab’, ‘Page Down’, ‘Right/Down arrow’ keys (or ‘Shift-Tab’, ‘Page Up’, ‘Left/Up arrow’) move to the next (previous) field.
  5. Watch an additional information appearing at the bottom of the window.
  6. Do not try filling grey fields in.
  7. In the part 7. you may enter a picture (in any type acceptable by MSWord). To do this move the pointer over the „Click to load picture’ button and click the left mouse button. The ‘Open image file’ dialog box appears for entering or selceting the appropriate file name. 
  8. Hint. If you have a number of samples then after entering information and saving the file you may start editing it again changing only what should be changed and saving it again under the next sample name.

Last updated 20-Dec-2002